I have now been in Georgia camping for 12 of the last 15 months. I have found Georgia to be a state full of polite people, but then again I’ve put myself in a bubble of sorts. The campgrounds where I have stayed have been predominantly gay campgrounds which don’t represent the population at large. I was reminded of that with a story I heard from another camper yesterday.
This guy had lost his debit card and had a new one on the way. His bank had used FedEx to deliver his card overnight. It hadn’t shown up the next day. Or the next. Or the next. Finally he went to the office to inquire about it. The office people said they hadn’t seen a FedEx driver there in a couple of weeks. The camper called the FedEx office in Macon, and then the FedEx corporate offices.
As it turns out, the delivery driver assigned to this campground doesn’t like to deliver here so the packages have not been delivered. They are all just sitting on his truck waiting for who knows what to happen before getting delivered. Some of the “who knows what” has included recipeients driving all of the way to Macon (about an hour away) to pick up their packages, others getting refunds and other just not knowing what to do.
Companies shipping these products have paid FedEx to deliver them and are not receiving the services that they have paid for.
All because the guy doesn’t want to deliver here.
I don’t know what kind of crazy world this driver lives in in his head, but if you don’t do your job, you shouldn’t be getting paid for it. This has evidently been a problem here on and off for years. Why does this guy still have a job? He’s not doing it and is costing people money. Even worse, why isn’t FedEx doing anything about this?
When the camper called corporate, they told him they would be in contact with the driver and if it hadn’t been delivered that day, that they would have the driver turn around and come back to deliver it. If that didn’t happen, they said the driver would no longer have a job.
The package didn’t show up. I’ve yet to hear the final chapter of this story but will be sure to share when I do. I wonder if anyone from FedEx was around (of course they were, it went on for decades) to see what happened with the Coors Boycott that still has effects on its sales.
Here’s the fear: with the new administration removing LGBT protections and corporations quickly following (Wal-Mart, Target among others) there will be no retribution for these types of outward discriminatory behaviors not only aimed at GLBT communities but other minorities as well.
Prediction: We will see a lot more of this stuff in the coming years.