
There’s a bid to buy TikTok from China – 8 billion Dollars. The bidder said they would use “clean gas, nucleur and coal power” that will “help the environment”.

The only reason we are so initerested in TikTok is its ability to a) collect user info and b) deliver messages that people listen to. It’s a propoganda machine that the Trump wishes to use to further brainwash the American public.

TikTok is addicting – it give us short messages that can easily be watched in short periods of time. It gives our brain a shot of addicting chemical that isn’t different than what happens with the addiction of drugs. It’s a powerful tool that the government wishes to use against us.

I would suggest we start using it. But I can almost guarantee that messages/shorts that don’t align with the current administration’s message will be censored. How far are we going to let this go?

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