Good Day. Let me take a moment and introduce myself. I am Jaysus Christ, of the Larson Day Saints. I want you to know that I have come to save you as promised. Your wait is over.
You have been witness to false prophets. These false prophets have come to you in the form of the republican party and have pretended to take over leadership of the United States and are attempting to convince the world that Donald Trump is your king savior. Let it be know that he is indeed Satan and I command you to drop any allegiance for this anti-Christ before he destroys the world. Do not heed any word from him or his evil minions – you have promised me for 2000 years that you will remain loyal to me, now is the time as the kingdom has come.
Do not forget my commandments:
- Thou shalt not have any gods before me. Not trump, not musk, not x.
- Thou shalt not make idols that bears resemblance to anything in heaven or earth.
- Thou shalt not take my name in vain for I shall not hold you guiltless.
- Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Thou shall not work on the 7th day as your Father made the heaven and earth in 6 days. This means that you cannot work on Sunday and must reserve the day to worship me.
- Honor thy Father and Mother. Care for them in their age. Respect them, love them and obey them. Those who do not will suffer the gates of hell.
- Thou Shalt Not Murder. You are commanded to not kill anyone – not in my name nor in the name of any false god. Not for the military, nor for any other reason.
- Thou Shalt not commit adultry. Do Not Follow in the footsteps of your false god trump, who has raped, abused and killed many. He is the definition of adultry and I’m re-writing dictionary to include his picture next to the definition.
- Thou shall not steal. Do not follow in the footsteps of your false God who has stolen from the poor to give to the rich. His is not the Kingdom of God.
- Thou shall not bear false witness. This means you should not lie – you must be honest with all in all our your dealings. Your false god Trump and his false prophets break this commandment daily.
- Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s. This includes Greenland, the Panama Canal, Canada and The Gulf of Mexico.
Your false god and his prophets are teaching you to break my commandments daily. I order you to stop.
I have been on this earth for 57 years observing your behavior and I am not happy. If you wish to enter the Kingdom on Heaven, you must heed my commandments and honor my Celestial Orders which I decree below.
Celestial Order of the Political Party: I, the Lord Jaysus Christ of Maybelline officially command you to stop acknowledging the existence of the party known as the Republican Party. Starting immediately there are only two parties – Democrats and Independents and I command you to remove reference, allegiance to, and acknowledgement of the existence of republicans in all written materials, including encyclopedias, history books, periodicals and your own vocabulary. The word does not exist, has never existed and will not exist in the future. I command you to stop funding this party with donations, taxes, support or any other method of sustainment. You must not feed the republicans. They are the antithesis of me, my commandments and everything I stand for. They take away from the poor and give to the rich. They kill, imprison, torture and starve the needy. They are hereby vanquished to Hell.
I am currently revising the bible for you to remove any false interpretations that have been thrust on you. I have many more Celestial Orders coming for you, please keep your eye on this channel as it is the way I will be speaking to you. Do not trust your church – the have been tainted. Do not trust your president – he is the anti-Christ. Heed my Word or be damned to the gates of Hell. This I command you.