
I got the truck back on Monday. Two new tires, new tire pressure sensors, labor $1000. Wrote a letter to BBB regarding AAA for some $$$. Requested $971 reimbursement for hotel, car rental and other expenses. We’ll see how that goes. I’ve always gotten what I’ve asked for when complaining to AAA.

So I’m spending this week working, cleaning, preparing for ny 3 hour trek to Texas and enjoying New Orleans a bit before I go.

The city is gearing up for Mardi Gras and you can see the colors everywhere from lights on the bridges, decorations on houses and literally everthing on Bourbon Street. They are also hosting the Superbowl soon and have been making lots of adjustments like tearing up downtown streets and repaving them. Not. sure how it’s all going to get done before the game but they are trying.

I was wishing I could be here for Mardi Gras and then got to thinking, Why can’t I? I’m only 3 hours away from it once I get to Texas and without the camper with me and the ability to unload the bed of my truck, it is totally do-able. Finding a place to stay might be a bit challenging at this point, but I have been known for my creativity in difficult situations.


Bottom line is that I fell in love with New Orleans, the people, the architecture, the culture and I’ll be back for sure, Mardi Gras or not.

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