So New Orleans is totally my type of city. I’ve been wanting to come here for years and my expectations have been met and exceeded.
It is a short $15 Uber ride from my camping spot to the French Quarter. I landed at a bar outside of the French Quarter because I wanted to walk a bit to see what the city was like outside of the FQ, and I also wanted a drink.
Normally I wouldn’t drink during the day because in my younger days, I just wouldn’t stop and sometimes that would make for a very short day. Now that I can’t tolerate hangovers, I generally stop at two, which I did. The two I had were strong, and I definitely felt the effects of the alcohol after the second one.
Everyone in the bar was abuzz about the snow that was coming to Nola – “oh i heard six inches”, “the city will just simply shut down”. Snow isn’t common here and the idea that some was coming had some excited and some scared. The snow is scheduled to hit on Tuesday, that being the day I’m also scheduled to leave so I’m falling in the scared category. If it does indeed snow, I’m going to have to either stay here longer or leave early to get to my destination before i does snow. I’m not pulling a. camper in the snow.
The architecture here is beautiful. Everything has shutters – doors and windows. The colors of the houses are beautiful and the style reminds me slightly of San Francisco and slightly of Boston. The streets are narrow and the houses are packed tight. I love the wrap around balconies and the ornate window decoration.

This is a city I could get used to.